Public Notice


The City of Lavonia Wastewater Collection System experienced a Sanitary Sewer Overflow on February 23, 2024. City personnel found wastewater flowing from the pump station at the Wastewater Treatment Facility upon arrival at 7:30am.

City personnel as well as contract personnel worked on finding and rectifying the problem until successful, and the station was functioning properly again at 1:10pm.

An estimated maximum of 300,000 gallons of wastewater flowed down the roadside ditch entering Bear Creek on the north side of the Allen Farm Road culvert. The stream flows through a large area of beaver swamps here which will help to mitigate the adverse effects of the spill. Monitoring of the stream as required by Georgia DNR Environmental Protection Division has begun and will continue for the required twelve months.

Charles Cawthon
City Manager

Tim Chitwood
WWTF Superintendent